Hello Joyful Souls!  One of the things I can tell you for sure from my years of career consulting, is that you need to find a good “fit” for yourself when contemplating a career path or career to study while in college or trade school.  You will want to take time to reflect on your values, interests, personality traits and talents.  Where do these four overlap?  If you can find a profession that offers you a bit of each one that fits for you, you will most likely be very happy in your career choice.  Keep in mind though that at times, interests can override talents (this will mean you will have to plug along a bit more to keep up with colleagues) and values change over the lifespan.  The most important aspect of all of this is to make an informed choice, rather than go willy-nilly into a big decision such as this.  Another key point to contemplate is what are the daily functions of the job?  Will it be a good fit for you in that respect?  I’d love to hear your comments and thoughts on this topic.  And please, feel free to set an appointment with me if you would like help in figuring out the best path for you!  Be Joyful ~ Laurie

Joyful Soul: A Promise Worthy of Trust

is a self-help book about how to follow your dreams while at the same time living holistically. It is designed to inspire you to set goals in order to get the greatest satisfaction from every vital area of your life, with an emphasis on a strong spiritual core and psychological well-being. 

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